Livedrive vs Dropbox

January 10, 2022

Livedrive vs Dropbox: Which one should you choose?

When it comes to cloud storage solutions, there are numerous options to choose from. Two of the most popular ones are Livedrive and Dropbox. But which one is better?

Let's compare Livedrive vs Dropbox in terms of pricing, storage capacity, features, and customer support.


Pricing is a crucial factor to consider when choosing a cloud storage provider. Livedrive offers three plans: Backup, Briefcase, and Pro Suite.

  • Backup: This plan costs $8 per month or $84 per year and offers unlimited backup storage for one computer.
  • Briefcase: This plan costs $25 per month or $252 per year and offers 2TB of storage that can be accessed from anywhere.
  • Pro Suite: This plan costs $35 per month or $360 per year and offers 5TB of storage as well as several advanced features such as remote wipe.

On the other hand, Dropbox offers three plans as well: Basic, Plus, and Professional.

  • Basic: This plan is free and offers 2GB of storage.
  • Plus: This plan costs $11.99 per month or $119.88 per year and offers 2TB of storage.
  • Professional: This plan costs $19.99 per month or $199.88 per year and offers 3TB of storage as well as advanced features such as remote wipe.

When it comes to pricing, Dropbox is more affordable than Livedrive, especially for larger storage capacities.

Storage Capacity

Storage capacity is another crucial factor to consider when choosing a cloud storage provider. Livedrive offers unlimited backup storage for its Backup plan, and 2TB and 5TB for its Briefcase and Pro Suite plans, respectively.

Dropbox, on the other hand, offers 2GB for its free Basic plan, 2TB for its Plus plan, and 3TB for its Professional plan.

If you're looking for more storage capacity, Livedrive may be a better option, but if you don't need that much storage, Dropbox offers more affordable plans.


Both Livedrive and Dropbox offer some similar features such as file syncing, sharing, and mobile access. However, there are some notable differences.

Livedrive offers a desktop app that can backup files automatically, whereas Dropbox relies solely on manual uploads.

On the other hand, Dropbox offers features such as Smart Sync, which allows you to access files without clogging up your hard drive, and Paper, an online document editor that lets you collaborate with others.

If you're looking for a more automated backup solution, Livedrive may be a better option. However, if you need more advanced features such as Smart Sync and Paper, Dropbox is the way to go.

Customer Support

Finally, you want to make sure that the cloud storage provider offers reliable customer support. Livedrive offers email support, phone support, and live chat, whereas Dropbox offers email support and live chat.

Both providers offer extensive knowledge bases on their websites as well as community forums where you can ask for help.

Overall, Livedrive offers more extensive customer support than Dropbox, which may be important if you need help with a technical issue.


In conclusion, both Livedrive and Dropbox offer similar features and storage capacities, but there are some notable differences in pricing and customer support.

If you're looking for a more affordable option and don't need as much storage, Dropbox may be the way to go. However, if you're looking for more storage capacity and extensive customer support, Livedrive may be a better option.


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